Please bear with me if there's any strange formatting, I'm using RapidWeaver for the first time to post this blog, as Blogger seemed to have trouble uploading my images.
Let me know if this post doesn't appear at all.

This was a French brass band type thing. To be honest, they gave me the shits. The seemed to be under the impression they were funny. Someone really should have broken the bad news to them - they weren't.
Also, they kept playing while quite acts were on at a nearby stage, drowning them out.

Last year, these trees were filled with lampshades.

Mavis Staples - Soul Legend. I was so far back in the crowd that I never had a chance of getting a decent picture.

Dr Natesan Ramani and his Indian flute orchestra - very cool. Very chilled out. These guys were genuinely transporting.

The Tibetan Buddhist sand mandala... in progress.

People thronging and camping around stage one.


A very cool Tibetan folk singer. He didn't seem to be in the program, so I have no idea who he was. A shame really, as I would have bought a CD (if he had one).

Carnivale parade.

Carnivale parade... again.

I have no idea what this is about.

Mamadou Diabate, virtuoso kora player from Mali,
with his famous kora-playing cousin Toumani Diabate. They were very good. I bought both their albums.

Cliche? Yeah, perhaps. But I defy anyone to go to Womadelaide and not take at least one photo of the flags.

From what I understand, this man is trying to get his car keys back from his friend, who is dressed as an elephant.

This is me, watching "The Beautiful Girls" play at stage three. Yes, I know I'm looking in the wrong direction.

David D'or, proving that he really is Israel's answer to Ricky Martin.

Terem Quartet. Awesome as ever. At this point, they were actually playing the theme from "Mission: Impossible" as a Russian folk piece. Genius.

Mista Savona. A Melbourne/Kingston reggae fusion outfit.

As I left, I took a picture of the rubbish, to kind of symbolise the end of the weekend. More interesting, though, was the way all the dust in the air was illuminated by the flash.
All weekend, it had been extremely dusty, with the feet of the record crowds turning dry grass into clouds of dust in no time.
When I woke up on Monday, I was coughing like a three-pack-a-day smoker.
It was kinda worth it though.
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