I don't look like Cypher. Okay?
I went into a shop the other day. The girl behind the counter smiled at me and said, "Hey, have you seen 'The Matrix'?"
Now, I knew where this was going. I've been on the receiving end of this particular conversational opener before.
I stared at her blankly and said "Uh, 'The Matrix'? Sorry, never heard of it."
She looked at me with a certain degree of surprise for a moment then laughed and said how funny I was.
She then resumed with "You look just like-"
...At which point I jammed my fingers in my ears and started making a high-pitched whining noise.
Clearly, she wasn't expecting this and asked me if I'm okay.
I explained that if she tells me that I look like Cypher, I will smash everything in the shop.
She smiled and said "No, I wasn't going to say you look like Cypher. I was going to say you looked like... um..."
A few minutes later, I left the shop, leaving her still unable to come up with an alternate character to say I looked like.
Me = Cypher? NO.
Just don't go there.
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