It really is funny how quickly people forget stuff. I dropped a girl I work with home the other night and, in the morning, she texted me asking if I had any facial hair. She saw me the night before.
I MMSed her this picture:

She then texted back "How long has it been like that?" - as if I'd grown it since she saw me twelve hours earlier.
When I took her up on her poor memory, she confessed she couldn't recall what colour my eyes were either.
For anyone else who may be unsure, I include the following image:

I request that anyone who is having any trouble remembering what I look like download these images and set them as either their desktop backgrounds or mobile phone wallpapers.
Also, as a footnote, this man is not me (to start with, I'm much cuter):

I swear, the next person to tell me I look like him is going to witness the hissy fit of their lives.
DON'T tickle this dragon.
Some of us have more important things to remember... :)
who is that dude anyway??
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